85 – 115 – 125 KM of Authentic Cycling for all
Sunday, 23th of March 2025 – 36th Edition

Regulations of the international cycling event for all Occident Bilbao-Bilbao 2025

Article 1

CYCLING CLUB BIDEBIKE organizes the 23th of March 2025, the International, no competitive, Cycling event for all OCCIDENT BILBAO-BILBAO 2025, in the province of Bizkaia.

Article 2.


Article 3.

Only those will be participants of la OCCIDENT BILBAO-BILBAO 2025, being 15 years old, or will become during the ongoing year, and being younger than 75 years old, who, having inscribed themselves under the conditions described at https://www.bilbaobilbao.com/en/home-en/inscription/, wearing a protective helmet and a starting number of the year of this edition, respect article 2, the timetables and routes established by the Organization and indicated with arrows and ride between the vehicles that open and close the Ride, with the indications “Atención marcha ciclista” and “Fin marcha ciclista” respectively. The verification and compliance of this conditions are an exclusive responsibility of the participant.

Article 4.

The start will be on the PUENTE DE DEUSTO (near the CENTRO COMERCIAL ZUBIARTE) between 8,00 and 9,00 hours, every 15 minutes, enabling every participant to choose freely his starting hour.

Article 5.

The arrival will be in Bilbao between 12,15 y 14,00 hours. Every participant who arrives during mentioned margin of time and carries a starting number, has the right to receive the trophy especially designed for this occasion.

Article 6.

The medical attention during the “Ride” will be attended by 10 doctors, 8 Auxiliary Sanitary Transport and 8 ambulances.

Article 7.

The participants will be accompanied by 10 vehicles of technical assistance, who will attend the technical incidents that occur. The participants will have to compensate the spare parts they ask for.

Article 8.

The provisioning, only for the participants duly inscribed and presenting the starting number, is situated in the PARQUE CIENTÍFICO Y TECNOLÓGICO DE BIZKAIA (ZAMUDIO) Km 60.

Article 9.

In the CENTRO COMERCIAL ZUBIARTE (until 17.00 hours) and the PLAZA EUSKADI the parkings, free for the cars of the participants, are situated, except for cars with bikes on the roof.

Article 10.

Two Support buses will be at the disposition of the participants who decide to leave the ride. Two trailers are available for their bikes.

Article 11.

During the whole route of the OCCIDENT BILBAO-BILBAO 2025, the protective helmet is obligatory.

Article 12.

Every sportsman/women participates in the event under his/her own responsibility and declares to be in optimal physical conditions, as well as to have a sufficient technical control of the bike. The Organization advises all participants to pass a medical check-up previous to the event as to detect and exclude any anomaly incompatible with the practice of cycling.

Article 13.

The International Cycling event for all Occident Bilbao Bilbao is not a competition, but a cycling for all event with a big number of participants. One should hold that very much in mind whilst participating, monitoring at every moment the velocity and control of the bike.

Article 14.

The participants will respect all members of the Organization, possible neighbors / workers, other participants and the own/other sports material. In case of necessity, the participants will use the WCmovil and/or the containers ARCON and they will not throw any rubbish on the road during the event.

Article 15.

The Organization has the right to exclude and take out those participants that not obey these Regulations and/or by acting and/or because of their situation put in danger their health and/or of other participants.

Article 16.

The organization and its collaborators/Sponsors are not responsible for the possible bad functioning or bad use and its possible consequences of the objects/presents offered with the inscription of the event.

Article 17.

By inscribing the participant approves the REGULATIONS and the GENERAL CONDITIONS/DATA PROCESSING of the International Cycling event for all Occident Bilbao-Bilbao 2025.

Article 18.

To participate in the event, it is obligatory to possess a License of the Royal Spanish Federation of Cycling (RFEC) and/or of the International Cycling Union (UCI) or to subscribe a license of one day with the insurance of the Organization. Only those two insurances are valid and accepted by the authorities. The fact of having a license of another Federation than the RFEC (for example, Triathlon (RFET), Federation of Cicloturismo (FCT), Mountain…) will not be accepted. In these cases, the participant will assume the payment of the license of one day obligatory to be able to participate.


The (pre-)inscribed authorize BIDEBIKE S.L.to record the total or partial participation during the ride, give their consent to use their image for the promotion and spreading of the image in every possible form (radio, writtenpress, video, photo, DVD, internet, posters, etc.) and sign over every right in relation to its comercial and public use that is considered to be exercised, without the right for any economic compensation whatsoever. The organization will not be held financially responsable for any posible material damage occurred during the event to the bikes or other equipments of the participants.

Once inscribed, and if the event would have to be suspended due to circumstances beyond control, the inscription price will not be reimbursed.

The (pre-)inscribed are informed of and give consent to the filing of the personal data, object of automized processing and incorporated to the correspondent automized files of BIDEBIKE, S.L, who is its holder and responsible. With this objective, BIDEBIKE, S.L, proportionates to the (pre-)inscribed the adequate technical means to access to the Data Protection or any other relevant data, related to la Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal y el Real Decreto 1720/2007, de 21 de diciembre por el que se aprueba su Reglamento de desarrollo.

As well are they informed that the filing and automized processing of the personal data has as objective: maintaining the established relation with BIDEBIKE, S.L. or with that society from which has the right, the management, the administration, the provision, extension and improvement of the services to which the (pre-)inscribed decided to subscribe, to inscribe, or use; the modification of these services to the preferences and likes of the (pre-)inscribed, the study of the use of the services by the (pre-)inscribed, the design of new services related to these services, and authorize the sending of actualizations of the services, and the sending, via traditional means and via electronic means, technical information, operative and comercial related to the products and services offered by BIDEBIKE, S.L.

As well they accept to receive information concerning the events organized by BIDEBIKE; S.L. and give consent to BIDEBIKE, S.L. that it can transmit and communicate their data to the actual and future sponsors and collaborators of events organized by BIDEBIKE, S.L. and possible future organizers of the Cycling Event for All “Bilbao-Bilbao”. The objective of the filing and automized processing of the personal data includes as well the sending of survey forms that the (pre-)inscribed is free to complete.

The (pre-)inscribed have the right and will be able to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancelation and opposition of their personal data. These rights can be exercised by the (pre-)inscribed by sending an e-mail to the following address; bidebike@bilbaobilbao.com or by sending a letter to BIDEBIKE, S.L , Calle Ibañez de Bilbao 13 Entpl Izq – 48009 Bilbao

The participants accept the Reglamentions of the cycling event for all Occident Bilbao-Bilbao.

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